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Color Review in Music!

I have been using a formula for our color review with my littles in their music groups the past couple of weeks.  It has been fun and easy, and very straightforward, so I thought I'd share!  (Plus the pictures just make me happy 🌈)  We have gone in rainbow order (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple), devoting one class to each color. 

Right after our hello song, we usually do a movement activity.  For our color review, we've had free movement to a song about that day's color, using that day's colored movement props. 

Next, we usually play instruments, so during our review, we've had free play using instruments in that color with a song about that color! 

Finally, we always end with a book, so we have read a book devoted to each color each day.  The books I've been using primarily are from Cantata Learning.  They include CDs and we've used the music for the movement or instrument activities sometimes. You can find them here (not an affiliate link because I'm too lazy to figure those out 😉)!

If we have any extra time to fill at the end, we pick color songs from my Color Playlist.  That's it!  Easy peasy, and fun. :)


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