In this series, we discuss various strategies for creating a relationship through therapeutic rapport. To see the entire series, click here . Take advantage of out-of-group interactions . Greeting clients warmly if you see them around the building, stopping and chatting with them when they're waiting by the front office, etc., can go a long way. Sometimes, I am the recipient of results from their weekly cooking class, get to see videos of piano playing that happened in the sensory room while I was gone, or get thrown a big holla and wave when I walk into the building. I am not in this facility full time, and so I take full advantage of any random encounter I may have to touch base and have a positive encounter with my clients. For me, this may look like simple eye contact and a head nod, a big smile and wave, or responding warmly to a conversation they initiate. To me, this has built trust and attachment which has allowed us to have some truly remarkabl...
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