Or, Top Ten Ways to be an Effective Music Therapy Advocate in the Workplace... But can I confess? I think these would work in any profession! 1) Be professional. Be on time, with an appropriate appearance and demeanor for the facility you are working in. Follow facility guidelines for charting, communication, scheduling, etc. Be friendly with everyone on the staff--no one is beneath you, and everyone can help you! 2) Know when to talk. Be open to teachable moments--those random hallway conversations or tangents during meetings where you can pipe in knowledgeably with a little nugget of music therapy gold. 3) Know when to zip it. Don't be preachy. Of course you're excited about music therapy and its benefits, why else would you be doing the job? But sometimes it is best to let your work speak for itself. People will notice positive results, but if you are constantly achatter or seen as exaggerating, you may drown yourself out. 4) Actively seek ways to add value ...
School-Based Music Therapy Ideas